张雪萍,博士,1988年4月出生,东华大学纺织学院,纺织材料系研究员、博士生导师。2017年博士毕业于中国科学院长春应用化学研究所,之后在新加坡国立大学进行博士后研究工作。主要从事新型功能纺织品的设计及在水分管理和利用方面的应用研究,目前已在adv. mater., j. am. chem. soc., angew. chem. int. ed., adv. sci.等国际著名学术期刊上发表sci论文36篇,总引用超过2800次,h-index为28,研究工作被新加坡海峡时报、新加坡亚洲新闻台、新传媒8频道等多家海外媒体专题报道,受邀撰写专著章节2章,授权国际专利1项。担任frontiers in chemistry评审编辑及多个国际一流期刊审稿人。2022年入选上海市海外高层次人才计划。
1、 功能纤维材料和智能纺织品
2、 太阳能驱动吸附式空气集水
3、 吸湿-蒸发制冷
4、 柔性传感和能源转换器件
1、 上海市海外高层次人才计划
1、 国家重点研发计划子课题(60万元,主持)
2、 东华大学高层次人才科研启动经费(150万元,主持)
3、 中央高校基本科研业务费自由探索项目(10万元,主持)
1. jiachen yang, xueping zhang*, j. justin koh, rensheng deng, saravana kumarasamy, yuan xing xu, hao qu, songlin zhang, yaoxin zhang, swee ching tan*, reversible hydration composite films for evaporative perspiration control and heat stress management, small, 2022, 2107636. (封面论文)
2. xueping zhang, jiachen yang, hao qu, zhi gen yu, dilip krishna nandakumar, yaoxin zhang, swee ching tan*, machine learning-assisted autonomous humidity management system based on solar-regenerated super hygroscopic complex, advanced science, 2021, 2003939
3. jiachen yang#, xueping zhang# (共同一作), hao qu, zhi gen yu, yaoxin zhang, tze jie eey, yong-wei zhang, swee ching tan*, a moisture-hungry copper complex harvesting air moisture for potable water and autonomous urban agriculture, , 2020, 2002936.
4. xueping zhang, jiachen yang, ramadan borayek, hao qu, dilip krishna nandakumar, qian zhang, swee ching tan*, super-hygroscopic film for wearables with dual functions of expediting sweat evaporation and energy harvesting, nano energy, 2020, 75, 104873.
5. xueping zhang, liang huang, qingqing wang, shaojun dong*, transformation of homobimetallic mofs to nickel-cobalt phosphide/nitrogen-doped carbon polyhedral nanocages for efficient oxygen evolution electrocatalysis, , 2017, 5, 18839-18844.
6. xueping zhang, dong liu, lu yang, limin zhou, tianyan you*, , , 2015, 3, 10031-10037.
7. xueping zhang, yujie han, liang huang, shaojun dong*, 3d graphene aerogels decorated with cobalt phosphide nanoparticles as electrocatalysts for the hydrogen evolution reaction, chemsuschem, 2016, 9, 3049-3053.
8. xueping zhang, liang huang, yujie han, miao xu, shaojun dong*, nitrogen-doped carbon encapsulating γ-moc/ni heterostructures for efficient oxygen evolution electrocatalysts, nanoscale, 9, 5583-5588.
9. xueping zhang, dong liu, bin yu, tianyan you*, a novel nonenzymatic hydrogen peroxide sensor based on electrospun nitrogen-doped carbon nanoparticles-embedded carbon nanofibers film, , 2016, 224, 103-109.
10. xueping zhang, qingqing wang, jing li, liang huang, dengbin yu, shaojun dong*, in situ fabrication of hollow zno@nc polyhedral from zif-8 for the determination of trace cd(ii), analyst, 2018, 143, 2837-2843.
11. xueping zhang, dong liu, libo li, tianyan you*, direct electrochemistry of glucose oxidase on novel free-standing nitrogen-doped carbon nanospheres@carbon nanofibers composite film, , 2015, 5, 09885.
12. liang huang, xueping zhang, qingqing wang, yujie han, youxing fang, shaojun dong*, shape-control of pt-ru nanocrystals: tuning surface structure for enhanced electrocatalytic methanol oxidation, journal of the american chemical society, 2018, 140, 1142-1147.
13. qingqing wang, xueping zhang, liang huang, zhiquan zhang*, shaojun dong*, gox@zif-8(nipd) nanoflower: an artificial enzyme system for tandem catalysis, angewandte chemie international edition, 2017, 56, 16082-16085.
14. liang huang, xueping zhang, yujie han, qingqing wang, youxing fang, shaojun dong*, high-index facets bounded platinum-lead concave nanocubes with enhanced electrocatalytic properties, chemistry of materials, 2017, 29, 4557-4562
15. qingqing wang, xueping zhang, liang huang, zhiquan zhang*, shaojun dong*, one-pot synthesis of fe3o4 nanoparticle loaded 3d porous graphene nanocomposites with enhanced nanozyme activity for glucose detection, acs applied materials &interfaces, 2017, 9, 7465-7471.
16. xinyang zhu, xueping zhang, liang huang, yongqin liu, he zhang, shaojun dong*, cobalt doped β-molybdenum carbide nanoparticles encapsulated within nitrogen-doped carbon for oxygen evolution, chemical communications, 2019, 55, 9995-9998.
1、 yang jiachen, xueping zhang, swee ching tan. freestanding hygroscopic composite film, wipo, wo 2022/271101.